Thursday, February 6, 2014

What to Expect When Shooting with Pets

Shooting with pets is not a walk in the park. The shoot may be for professional or just for fun. There are some things to consider. Although we see cute and fun pictures of the furry kind in the internet, we often times dismiss the troubles behind the lens.
Working with pets can be a handful of trouble. Here are some things to expect and perhaps prepare for:

1. Runaway Model.
 If a pet is feeling hot, rowdy or bored, that pet will bolt. This applies to both cats and dogs. It can even apply to rabbits and hamsters. Make sure you can control your environment before going leashless.

2. Falling Asleep On the Job.
Heat could be your number 1 opponent. It can make your pets sleepy and there's no way we can shoot a grumpy pet. Keep your pets entertained by bringing toys and treats. If the cause is heat, bring a fan and lots of water.

3. Mean Babies!
Dogs, especially, can be mean to passing strangers or to the photographer. Keep your pets under controlled by using soothing words and possible treats for bribes. Keep them occupied in between shoots.

We hope this article helped aspiring photographers or mere hobbyists. Shooting with pets shout be a worthwhile experience for you and the pet. Keep everything stress free by controlling the environment, keeping things cool and being on top of safety. Always have help on hand and don't forget to take breaks in between so as not to tire the pet.

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Blog Description

This is a blog on pet fashion, lifestyle and the changing pet trends in the Philippines.